How random are you?

This quiz is to see how random you are in life. answer these questions to find out. a random person does whatever they want when they want.your gonna get somting so be happy.-3-

Are YOU a random person,do you give people the want to stay around you? are you funny?do you like grapes?lets find out on How random are you?hope you like my give me more ideas

Created by: knucklesthegreat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  2. Do you use/make-up new words?
  3. Do you like Harlem Shake?
  4. Do you like grapes?
  5. What do YOU do under a sprinkler?
  6. Do you know what "epic face" is?
  7. These next few questions don't count ok?
  8. will you comment?
  9. Will you rate?
  10. Will you give me more quiz ideas?

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Quiz topic: How random am I?