how random are you?

Face it. Some people are freakishly random, some lack the ability. Depending on how you look at it, being a random person can be good or bad.

Are YOU random? Everyone has a little bit of random inside 'em! Listen, I've got a great once in a lifetime deal. If you take this quiz, I'll tell you if you're random. Ready, set, go!

Created by: Amanda

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Pick one:
  2. Walrusus enjoy orange pudding on their bananas
  3. What's your favorite letter?
  4. favorite number?
  5. Which quiz are you most likely to take?
  6. Pick one:
  7. What's your favorite language?
  8. What's the correct spelling?
  9. What's 2+2?
  10. If you weren't taking this quiz, you'd want to...

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Quiz topic: How random am I?