How pretty are you GIRLS ONLY

Everyone is truly beautiful, but some are more than others. Let's see if you have a heart of gold. Would you risk your life for family? I wonder. I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Do you know the truth to kindness. I can bet you have wondered until now soo. Here ya go! I love you all, I hope you enjoy this quiz! See you after the quiz!

Created by: LuluLol123
  1. Height?
  2. Hair? (Colour)
  3. Skin tone/ colour
  4. Eye colour?
  5. Are you happy to be you? (One of the only questions that have effect on the answer)
  6. Do you love your family? (This one affects)
  7. A little kid has tripped over and is crying, you?
  8. A little kid has tripped over and is crying, you?
  9. Do you love everyone you meet?
  10. Do you love everyone you meet?

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I GIRLS ONLY