How pretty are you?

Remember you could be any amount of pretty but this quiz is more of seeing how pretty you are as in nice and kind be whatever! Take this quiz please!!

Are you pretty inside or out? Well I'm gonna see How pretty you are on the inside. Thanks for tapping on this quiz and I hope you do well! 😘 i know soft hearts will do well.

Created by: Averil SquirrelGirl
  1. Hair color?
  2. Eyes?
  3. What is your least favorite color?
  5. there doing smencils at school but you aren't aloud to get any! That means your mom can't give you money. You...
  6. Which of these explains how to name a squirrel
  7. Do you love squirrels and think about that
  8. Do you like nature and green?
  9. It's Election Day two-thousand-sixteen (it really is this day when I'm making this quiz) You vote...
  10. You were...

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I?