How old are you really?

This Quiz decides how mature you are and how mature you think the results will tell you if your too mature or under mature, good luck.hope you have a good time and be patient.

good luck hope you like it. hope you like it hope you like it hope you like it hope you enjoy it hope it helps you bla. can you hear me yes i can i m just writting for the sake of it.

Created by: wasers

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you make your bed in the mornings?
  2. Have you ever changed the tolite paper without being asked?
  3. Have you ever made tea for your family.
  4. how often are you on the computer?
  5. how many hrs a day are you on the computer?
  6. Do you laugh at fart jokes? if you are laughing now you would want to pick b.
  7. What would you rather be.
  8. do you think 50 is old?
  9. Do you have a partner.
  10. when was the last time you screemed at your parents?

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Quiz topic: How old am I really?