How nerdy are you?

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nerdy or not? take my quiz to find out. its not very accurate, but i made this out of complete boredom. and this is also made for guys only! remember complete boredom, not accutate

nerdy or not? take my quiz to find out. its not very accurate, but i made this out of complete boredom. and this is also made for guys only! have fun

Created by: OreoFlava

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your hairstyle?
  2. Video Games
  3. If Yes to last question, which video game to you prefer?
  4. Next two questions Together: What is your zodiac sign? (no effect. I just love astrology)
  5. Zodiac Signs: continued
  6. I have officially ran out of qestions. Shall i sing to you?
  7. here it goes. ( if you dont know the song, look it up on youtube. the name is: Never Surrender by Skillet)
  8. Continued....
  9. Continued.....AGAIN
  10. and again...
  11. i stopped making your questions count from questions 6-13 and this quiz was made for guys only lol sorry

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I?