How musical are you?

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This quiz may not be your cup of tea if you are not too musical, but everyone loves a challenge, I bet someone out there is a musical genius, why not see if its you!

Are YOU that musical genius? Maybe! You don't need brains you just need knowledge and memory to remember all those facts, some people say some are more musical than others, this is not the case, you just need time to learn it and your musicality grows! AMAZNG!!!

Created by: olivia cardani

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who sings boomerang?
  2. What does forte mean in music?
  3. How many singles did the beatles sell on itunes?
  4. How many notes are there in an octave?
  5. How many instruments are in the percussion family?
  6. Who is the greatest singer of all time?
  7. What is the last note in an octave?
  8. When was Gary Barlow born?
  9. What is Edward from Jedward's middle name?
  10. How many keys are there on MOST pianos?

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Quiz topic: How musical am I?