How much Wicca do you know

Want to see how much you know about Wicca? Then try this fun quiz. These are simple easy questions to test your knowledge. Some are True or False and some are multiple choice. Good Luck and my the Goddess be with you.

Want to see how much you know about Wicca? This will only take a few minutes, its easy and fun quiz. These are simple questions to test your knowledge. Some are True or False and some are multiple choice. Good Luck and my the Goddess be with you.

Created by: Woodbine
  1. How many Sabbats are there in a year?
  2. To be skyclad, it means that you are wearing?
  3. This direction is often recognized as the element Earth.
  4. This direction is recognized as Fire.
  5. How many Esbats are there?
  6. Which is a Wiccan marriage ritual?
  7. Practicing Wiccans don't use spells in their rituals?
  8. The Pentagram is not a symbol of Witchcraft anymore?
  9. A Pagan is someone who isn't Christian, Islamic, or Jewish?
  10. Decorating Easter eggs and Christmas trees are rituals made famous by Pagans?
  11. Wiccans believe in Karma?

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Quiz topic: How much Wicca do I know