How much of a wolf are you?

See what wolf you are. Answer these questions honestly. Visit my YouTube channel (AlphaWolf (it has a Merica with a mustache) Okay so it says I need 150 letters so I am just gonna talk.

If you can't Answer some answers then you can just guess. Okay so it says I need 150 letters so I am just gonna talk. answer all of them then you can just click one.

Created by: Little Timmy
  1. Do you like meat?
  2. What type of meat do you like?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What are you?
  5. What is your age?
  6. Where are you from?
  7. What do you do in your free time?
  8. What temperature do you like
  9. Do you like wolves?
  10. How much do you like this quiz?(Won't affect score)

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Quiz topic: How much of a wolf am I?
