How much of a weeaboo are you

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There are lots and lots of people in the world, but a higher class of humans call themselves weeaboos. What is a weeb? A weeaboo is someone who watches anime and reads manga.

Are YOU a weeaboo? Do you have enough awesomeness to join the elite ranks of them? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to my efforts, you'll find out if you really, truly are! 😊

Created by: KateCat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is anime/manga to you?
  2. What kind of anime/manga are you or would you be into?
  3. What is Japan to you?
  4. What would you do if your favorite anime or manga character was at your front door?
  5. This is for Fairy Tail fans ONLY: Do you ship Gruvia? (This will have no affect on your score, but it WILL have an affect on if your my friend or not.
  6. Fanfic writing, Fanfic reading, Drawing anime, Listening To Music From Anime: How many do you do?
  7. Anime, or Manga?
  8. On a scale from one-six, how would YOU rate YOURSELF?!
  9. When I say WEEA-, you say -BOO! WEEA-
  10. Your about to get your results back. How do you feel?

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Quiz topic: How much of a weeaboo am I