How Much of a True Secret Agent are You?

There are many Secret Agents, but few true Agents. They are, after all, quite exceptional. Do you fit the description? A Secret Agent has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve problems, and help keep the island safe 24/7.

Are YOU a true Secret Agent? Do you have what it takes- courage, dignity, and kindness? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Peg
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all, who in the world is G?
  2. What does the "PSA" stand for?
  3. Imagine this- you have just become a Secret Agent, and you're bursting with excitement and secrets that are just waiting to be told. Your friend comes up and asks what is going on. You say...
  4. How many screens are in the PSA Headquarters?
  5. Imagine this- you're enjoying a slice of spicy squid pizza in the Pizza Parlor. Suddenly, five penguins dressed in black jump in and steal all the money in the cashier. They go around threatening to shoot penguins unless they get all their coins. You...
  6. What species is the most-wanted criminal in Club Penguin history?
  7. Just for reference, how many pets are in the Pet Shop?
  8. Imagine this- you're watching a play at the Stage when the penguin behind you whispers, "This is the WORST play ever." The penguin next to you adds, "Yeah. These penguins CAN'T act!" They start throwing snowballs at the actors and actresses. The characters run screaming for cover The whole play is ruined! You...
  9. How many missions have you completed? (There are 10 total)
  10. Imagine this- It's pitch-black and in the middle of the Forest. You are chasing the infamous Herbert P. Bear with a colleague, but suddenly your fellow agent trips and falls headfirst into a small river. You...
  11. Where is the door to the PSA Headquarters located?
  12. How many Secret Agent clothing articles are there?
  13. What do you think is the true Secret Agent's purpose?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a True Secret Agent am I?