How much of a text-oholic are you???

Many people have a phone, but are you a text-oholic!?!?! See how much of a text-oholic you are!!! Just answer a few of my questions and you will find your answers!!!

Text! Text! Text! Is that what you do all the time??? Well if you take this test you can find out how much of a text-oholic you are!! So take just a few questions so see!!

Created by: aRANDOMeGOATc
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many texts on average to you send out per day???
  2. A month, how many texts do you send???
  3. How many different people do you text???
  4. What do you do when your in bed???
  5. What is the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning???
  6. if you get in trouble, what is it for???
  7. What is your favorite picture, ever???
  8. how many hours do you spend on the phone each day???
  9. What does lol mean
  10. how was this test???
  11. Whats your responce if you friend told you this story: So my mom accused me of being a liar, so i went strait up to her and said "Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa" then i walked away!!! omigosh, it was so funny!!!
  12. How often do you get your phone taken away???

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Quiz topic: How much of a text-oholic am I???