how much of a superhero are you

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my quiz is about how much of a superhero are you,pretty much how heroic you are,there is only 12 questions you have to take so yeah,i hope when you take my quiz that you will like it allot thank you for clicking on my quiz.

will you be 100% or will you be......something lower than that if you are 100% than you are obviously 100% heroic so yeah, again i hope you enjoy my quiz and yeah,good luck, i hope you get a high score and you are not really a villain good luck.

Created by: rock climber
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. if you were saying a speech what would you say
  3. would you prefer to be a superhero or a villain
  4. have you ever saved something/someone in your life.
  5. if you could have one power what would it be (if it is not in this list than sorry).
  6. would you risk your life to save someone else.
  7. have you ever killed someone/something.
  8. if your an adult do you have any of these jobs (if your not doing jobs yet than would you have any of these jobs as your job).
  9. if you could have one gadget what would it be.
  10. if someone did something bad to you would you get revenge.

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Quiz topic: How much of a superhero am I