how much of a sl** are you

there are many sl**s in the world..but some are just trying to get you have a problem? find out now y r people calling you one..dont cry over stupid stuff and dont try to get attention in wierd ways its not worth it. be yourself or be something better you dont want a bad rep now do u

are you a sl** or not.well find out in this quiz and hey be honest no1's gonna care..this quiz will help you become a better person and help you understand being all naked is not everything

Created by: sherry
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many bf/gf have you had in the past year?
  2. have you ever done a three some?
  3. have you ever gone practically naked on a party?
  4. have you kissed ure bf/gfs partner
  5. have u ever been called a sl** or man wh***?
  6. what do u wear to school?
  7. have u ever put up revealing pics of ureself on a website
  8. have you made out with three ppl in ten minutes
  9. r u flirty
  10. do u compare yourself to the character of tracy from thirteen

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Quiz topic: How much of a sl** am I