How Much Of a Homer Simpson Are You?

Homer Simpson is know well to everyone who is someone. Finally, people are able to ask the question 'How Homer Simpson-ish am I?' and get an answer. This quiz is the answer to that question.

Homer homer Simpson Simpson Simpson!!! Find out how Homer Simpson-ish you are! Homer Simpson Simpson Simpson!!! Find out how Homer Simpson-ish you are! Homer Simpson Simpson Simpson!!! Find out how Homer Simpson-ish you are!

Created by: Mojo Jojo
  1. How do you enjoy spending your spare time?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. How do you dress?
  4. Are you overweight? Be honest.
  5. How do you dress for work/school?
  6. Are you smart? Be honest.
  7. Are you religious?
  8. Are you helpful?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. Are you attentive?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of a Homer Simpson am I?