How much of a city girl are you?

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There are a lot of city people but there are also some people that know a lot about the cities. If you have not gotten a great score yet, just take your time and try to get a better score :)

Are you a super city person??? Do you have the right knowledge that city people have??? Not a lot of people know the differences between city people and others... Take this quiz to find out ;)

Created by: Nina Velez of Are U a true City person???
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you are from the city what do you call a drink??? (Instead of pop)
  2. Do city people have a different accent from other people?
  3. Are city people use to the smell of manure going down the gravel roads?
  4. Are city people normally out having fun at the beaches or parks instead of sitting home really bored???
  5. Do people in the city have to wear helmets when there riding around on there snowmobiles,four wheelers,motorcycles, and other automobiles?
  6. Are the cities full of traffic???
  7. (No offence)...but are there different races or ethnics in the cities?
  8. Random question...but r u bored???
  9. R u from the city or have you ever lived in the cities??? (For instance like NYC or another big city)
  10. Bye...hope you had fun...and this is not one of the best quizzes so sorry :(

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Quiz topic: How much of a city girl am I?