How much like me r u??

Are you like me? are you my best friend? are you a side-friend? are you a lost friend? are you someone i randomly met one day? are you a stalker or my dad? GIRLS ONLY

If you are like me, you must be looking in a mirror. I have nothing else to say so lets talk about something random! like boys! or our friends!! or ourselves!! GIRLS ONLY PLEASE!

Created by: YoYopenquin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. One of your friends' friends told their crush that they liked him. What do you do??
  2. What is your favorite color of the following?
  3. One of your friends may be transported back to a different country. You...
  4. How many girls are in your Clique?
  5. Which of the following is your Favorite?
  6. PIE
  7. You want to go to your best friends party but your mom says no. You...
  8. What color is your Hair?
  9. Eyes?
  10. What do you usually wear?
  11. Did you like this quiz? (will not count against score)
  12. Will you comment? (will not count against score)

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