How much like me are you?

How much are you like me? This is my first quiz, so I wanted to give all of you GTQers an opportunity to get to know me with a quiz :) I hope you like it, and that you get whatever result you are hoping for.

This quiz is twenty questions and is designed for you (and everyone else who reads this) to get to know a few things about me, or kill some time on the internet.

Created by: sophd
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. *Hides behind chair* What is your favorite colour?
  2. How many pets do you have?
  3. What kind of house do you live in?
  4. Okay, some fun questions now: Which sounds most interesting to you?
  5. If you could be an animal, you would be a...
  6. Which of the following fandoms are you in? (If multiple, select your favorite)
  7. What vacation appeals to you the most?
  8. Which food sounds the tastiest?
  9. Which stereotype are you most like? (If you want one in next question choose "None of these.")
  10. Which stereotype are you most like? (If you chose "None of these." in last question, choose an answer here. If you chose an answer in last question, choose "None of these." here)
  11. Roleplay time! You are confronted by a police officer while partying. He tells you to be quieter for the sake of neighbors. You...
  12. Several punks vandalize your house, throwing eggs and toilet paper around your yard. You...
  13. You are being cornered in a bar. A man twice your size has a large club and is drunk. You...
  14. Time for the "looks" questions. What is your hair colour?
  15. Eyes?
  16. Race? (This quiz is just how much you are like me, this does not show any negative opinion of any race.)
  17. Comparing to others your age and gender, how tall are you?
  18. Did you like this quiz? (Does not affect result.)

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I?