How much does your boyfriend love you?

Take this quiz to find out if you boyfriend loved you. If you're unsure about you relationship, or you're just curious, fret no longer, this quiz has all the answers you need.

Scientifically accurate questions will evaluate the love in your relationship through deep-trained algorithms. We worked for 20 years on the elaborate questions, by evaluation representative surveys to guarantee the accuracy of the results.

Created by: xX_loverboy69_Xx
  1. How long have you been together?
  2. How often does he tell you that he loves you?
  3. What does he do when you come home?
  4. Does he flirt with other girls?
  5. What do you do for him?
  6. Does he get you gifts?
  7. How often do you see each other?
  8. Did he ever cheat on you
  9. What's you best memory together
  10. Do you love your boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: How much does my boyfriend love you?
