How much do you want to wear diapers?

Diapers are fun to wear and wet, but many think this is abnormal, which for a diaper lover like me is hard to cope with. But i finally admitted i love to wet myself, but was tired of the mess. When I finally got the nerve to buy diapers, ever since i put on and wet that first one, im in love

So do you like to wear diapers or not? Do you have thoughts and curiosities about wearing and wetting a diaper? If you're unsure, this is the perfect test. Simple and truthful.

Created by: Kaitlyn Osho
  1. Have you ever worn one?
  2. Have you ever used one?
  3. Used one for fun?
  4. Would you wear and use a diaper if given the chance, knowing no one would find out?
  5. Have you taken any other quizzes regarding wetting pants, bed, and/or diapers?
  6. Would you wet the bed if you had diapers on?
  7. Would you wear and wet diapers in public if you knew no one would know?
  8. If youre bestie said that she/he likes to wear and wet diapers, would you tell them you like it too?
  9. If your bestie started wetting themselves without a diaper, and told you to wet yourself but gave you the option of a diaper, would you chose diaper or no diaper?
  10. Do you think about diapers more than once a week?
  11. Do you think about it more than 3 times a week?
  12. If you were to have an accident and someone told you they think you should wear diapers, would you want to or refuse?

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Quiz topic: How much do I want to wear diapers?