How much do you like candy ?

hi take my quiz!please?im begging you! please for me?no?from i don't know...may,...CANDY? thats right! all the candy in candy land want's you to take my quiz!

well? im bored so take my dang quiz!im mad you now!,why?, you ask/well because you will not take my quiz! so take my dang quiz!i am mad at you!take my dang quiz!

Created by: xXvampiregirlXx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Therte is a fire you can save ONE thing your mom or candy what is it ?
  2. How much candy do you eat in ONE day?
  3. what's your fav pices of candy?
  4. pick something out of the magic hat!!!
  5. do you like twilight?
  6. why are you taking this quiz?
  7. *holds up pices of candy*
  8. pick a word!
  9. will you comment ?
  10. rate!

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Quiz topic: How much do I like candy ?