how much do you know the world affairs

'There are people out there who are smart , but they can be smart but can't be a genius . also you can also be smart but can't be a genius try this quiz to prove to me that am wrong.

are you really a genius in world affairs ? 'then let see ! this quiz is on world affairs prove to me that you really know the world and also answer all questions correctly to be a world affairs wizard !

Created by: Snowbobz
  1. what time does the earth move round the sun ?
  2. what century are we in ?
  3. what country is the world powerful country ?
  4. what country win the 2014 world cup ?
  5. where is United nation headquarter found ?
  6. people who travel to space are called
  7. scientific believe may have it that the earth was created how years ago ?
  8. what is the world current population ?
  9. what is the world most populated country ?
  10. What the largest land animal ?
  11. Who is the world richest man ?
  12. Who is the current UN secretary ?
  13. The earth is divided into many hemisphere ?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the world affairs