How much do you know Mary?

So you think you know 'Something About Mary' huh? Well, if you think you're up to the challenge take this quiz and find out. If you are not well you'll be missing out on learning something new.

Are you knowledgeable of Mary? Do you think you know her? Take this short quiz to find out! Hey wait!I'm not done yet. Did I mention it comes with a prize? Um, I'm just kidding. Take the quiz . . .it's really short.

Created by: Mary
  1. Where was I born?
  2. What is my Middle name?
  3. What is my 'utmost' favorite movie?
  4. What are my siblings nick names?
  5. What is my ultimate dream Vacation?
  6. What is my college undergraduate degree?
  7. What Martial Art have I practiced?
  8. What was i for Halloween?
  9. I letterd in what sports in highschool?
  10. What is my most embarrassing moment?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Mary?