How much do you know about Wolf's Rain?

No everybody knows Wolf's Rain TV show or manga, and the few that does, doesn't know everything about it. There is a 5% that knows everything. Are you part of that 5%? Because I am!.

Are you a Wolf's Rain fan? If you don't know you must take this Quiz. Because you will find out your true love to wolfs rain, and to the wolves, too!!

Created by: KibaGirl
  1. What do Kiba wear?
  2. What's the ending song name?
  3. "Paradise" "There's no way something like that exists" "This place that I ___________ on to reach" "Guided by the sent of the flowers, too" "It's still far away from this" ______________ Complete Kiba's thinkings (the part that says "that place that I __________ on to reach" it could be kind of difficult..."
  4. Why is Kiba searching for the Paradise?
  5. Kiba things that is better...
  6. What's Hige's Dream?
  7. What happens to Darcia when he enters to the Paradise?
  8. Who are principal and not principal Kiba's enemies?
  9. Who's first wolf that Kiba meets?
  10. It's Blue a wolf? Why/How did she know?
  11. Who is Blue's good friend?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Wolf's Rain?