How Much Do You Know About the Jonas Brothers?

There are many actors, celebs, singers and famous people out there. And I'm sure you have at least one celebrity Idol. Whether its an actor or a singer. Mine just so happens to be the Jonas Brothers! I know bunches of facts about them! Everything down to the cologne Nick wares!

Are you a JB genius? Do you know how the Jonas Brothers Became the Jonas Brothers? This quiz will also tell you bunches of facts about the Jonas Brothers! You'll learn much more about them AND be able to test your JB IQ! Be a JB Genius in this totally jonasfied quiz!

Created by: Catherine
  1. Who is the youngest band member?
  2. What is the name of the Boys' debut album?
  3. The Boys were all born in separate states.
  4. What was the first song JB wrote together?
  5. Who is the youngest member in the band?
  6. The Boys were all born in separate states.
  7. What was the first song JB wrote together?
  8. What was the name of the boys' first USA single?
  9. Next time I see you giv'n you a ________ cuz ____ are overrated just FYI.
  10. What instrument does Kevin play?
  11. Who was originally supposed to go solo in his singing courier?
  12. What is the name of Nick's special rap he used to do during earlier concerts?
  13. What is Nick's Favorite food?
  14. Wudda bout Joes fav food?
  15. Kevs fav food?
  16. What kind of disease does Nick have?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About the Jonas Brothers?