How much do you know about the fault in our stars?

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Do you know about the fault in our stars? Take this quiz to see how much of an expert you are! This is the ultimate guide to find out what kind of fan you are!

The fault in our stars was a hit but do you know all the facts? Do you know about the fault in our stars? Take this quiz to see how much of an expert you are! This is the ultimate guide to find out what kind of fan you are!

Created by: Gianna
  1. Who is the main character? (female)
  2. Who is blind for the second half of the book/movie?
  3. Where do hazel and Augustus first have sex?
  4. What does hazel always have with her?
  5. Who ends up being "the granade"
  6. Where do hazel and Augustus meet
  7. Does Augustus have an addiction?
  8. How many days after the prefuneral does the "character" die
  9. What disease did the main characters have
  10. What did Isaac do to release his anger

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the fault in our stars?