How much do you know about Speed cubing

How much do you know about the Rubik's cube? The mind-bending puzzle that everybody knows. Can You solve it? Do you know other Facts about it? You can test your Knowledge here.

Simply click on the answer that you believe to be right. And you'll get what you deserve. (Fun-Fact: "I know the answers! And you don't or do you?") Let's find out!

Created by: Janick
  1. Who is the current world champion in speed cubing? (2/19/17)
  2. What time is the current 3x3 World record Single? (2/19/17)
  3. What was the latest release of Gans? (2/19/17)
  4. Which cube was used by Matt's Valk to break the world record in 2013?
  5. What is the maximum amount of Moves that a Rubik's cube can be away from being solved?
  6. Who of the following YouTubers doesnt make Videos about Cubing?
  7. How many world records are being held by Feliks Zemdegs?
  8. Which Method was Alexander Lau(aka 5BLD) known for?
  9. On what cube did Feliks Zemdegs fail his World record attempt?
  10. Which of the Following Cubes doesn't exist? (2/19/17)
  11. When was the Rubik's Cube invented?
  12. Which Company invented the treasure Chest?
  13. What won't lay on your desk when you have fully disassembled a Speedcube?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Speed cubing