How Much Do You Know About PC Hardware?

Hello there. I am Advanced_Gaming_YT, a fairly new YouTuber. I make Tech-related and SW related content. I know a lot about tech, and made this quiz to test others’ technical know-how.

This is going to be the easiest quiz in a series of quizzes that will gradually get harder. Good luck, I hope you enjoy! (If you want to learn more, you can checkout my channel at: )

Created by: Advanced_Gaming_YT
  1. What PC component carries data and power through all the components of a PC?
  2. What component does all the processing?
  3. What Component renders frames to display?
  4. What component stores data for the CPU?
  5. Who make CPUs?
  6. Who make GPUs?
  7. What does AMD stand for?
  8. What stores data permanently?
  9. What stores data temporarily?
  10. What gives the other components power?
  11. How many cores did the first CPU have?
  12. How many cores is the most in a single CPU? (Subject to change)
  13. How much RAM is the max. on AM4?
  14. What was the best Intel CPU is the 3rd-Gen Core i# series?
  15. What market segments compete?
  16. Who made the first ray-tracing capable consumer GPUs?
  17. Who does better RT, Radeon 6000 or RTX 30 series?
  18. What DOES NOT compete?
  19. Can GTX GPUs Raytrace?
  20. Who is the biggest GPU vendor?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About PC Hardware?
