How much do you know about Naruto?

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Welcome , All naruto Fans and Fangirls! Please stand by and take this quiz to see if you are a TRUE naruto expert! Warning! Only for REAL naruto lovers

Do you watch enough anime? How about naruto? If you do come take the quiz! If not, you need to get crackin and start watching one of the worlds most popular anime!

Created by: poptart

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the full name of The hidden leaf village?
  2. Which is human?
  3. What is Pervy Sages Real name?
  4. Do you agree Sasuke is emo and gay?
  5. What is Shikamaru's Line?
  6. What is Tsunades #1 phyical feature?
  7. Do you like Waffles?
  8. Who is Tsunade's assistant?
  9. What is the name of Kiba's dog
  10. Last Question Worth 20 points*** What is the name of narutos father?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Naruto?