How much do you know about Minecraft?

There are many smart people but very few true geniuses Can you be one of them to find out simply take this very hard test about one of the world's most famous game MINECRAFT!

Are you a genius do you have what it takes to pass this hard test WARNING:This test is very HARD HARD HARD! Try considering to fnish this test or else...

Created by: irti
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is there such thing as a wither storm in Minecraft!
  2. Who made Minecraftia?
  3. Who codes Minecraft for Console?
  4. Who bought Minecraft of Mojang?
  5. In which year was Minecraft made?
  6. What is the first thing you SHOULD do in Minecraft when you start a world?
  7. Which one is the strongest?
  8. What is the name of the strongest mineable block in Minecraft?
  9. How long does it take to break obsidian with an iron picaxe? Estimatedly???
  10. Are there horses in minecraft?
  11. Can you change gamemode while playing?
  12. Did you like this test? (WILL AFFECT SCORE)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Minecraft?