How much do you know about me?

There are many people in the world, but only one of Lis. While pretty easy to stalk, she may evade your efforts. It takes dedication and will to gain knowledge, Lisish or otherwise.

Do YOU know Lis? I bet you think you do. But that's a question that can only be answered by... TAKING THIS QUIZ! (or, you know, talking to me, but hey, who does that anymore anyway?)

Created by: Lis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where did I grow up?
  2. Do I still live there?
  3. What's my favorite thing in my dorm room?
  4. What's my brother's nickname?
  5. What am I afraid of more than anything in the world?
  6. Where do I want to live some day?
  7. What am I most seriously allergic to?
  8. What was my routine last year in the mornings at Choate?
  9. Who did I go to the 3/4 with sophomore year?
  10. What's the view out my dorm room window?
  11. Who am I madly in love with RIGHT NOW?
  12. How's my life going?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about me?