How Much Do You Know About Me?

There are not too many people who can truly say they know me. Yeah, you might be a friend, but do you really know me? A lot of people might pretend like they know all about their friends. but i bet you don't know half the things on here about me.

In a few moments you will find out just how much you really know me. Put your brain to the test as you indulge yourself in a little Q & A all about...well, me. This shouldn't be too hard if you really know as much as you think you do. we'll, See!

Created by: Kristi of Kristi
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my full first name?
  2. What is the one thing that i can't look at or touch? -Basically, what is my phobia?
  3. What would i prefer on a nice hot summer's day?
  4. Pick The Lie.
  5. Pick the body part that I can't stand having touched.
  6. Order my siblings from oldest to youngest.
  7. What insect gives me the most anxiety?
  8. What is not one of my biggest fears?
  9. What is the one thing that i can deal with?
  10. What's My Favorite Color?
  11. What level am I for DDR?
  12. What's The One Thing I Hate Doing?
  13. What's my favorite food?
  14. Favorite number
  15. I really like coffee!!!!

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Me?