How much do you know about Karkat Vantas? (KV69)

You obviously must have read Homestuck to be taking this quiz. So if you dont get 95-100% on this quiz,I'm going to sound like a complete and utter butt to you.I admit it....So get a good score Thank you and whatever :]

Do you honestly think you know alot about Karkat? Whatever....good foryou if you do! i had to redo this cause they thought it was to 'bad' and had to take it down... im actually quite kind if you talk to me on the forums :) Anyway, take this quiz about Karkat and see how you do and stuff...

Created by: KarkittenV69

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Karkat's astrological symbol?
  2. Who is Karkat's moirail?
  3. What does Karkat like to watch?
  4. What animal is usually represented wiith Karkat?
  5. Who are Karkat's descendents?
  6. What is Karkats role amongst the trolls?
  7. What is Karkat's blood color? (HINT: If you didnt know, the trolls have different color blood than humans with the exception of one...And really, if you didnt know the blood thing...shame shame...)
  8. What color is Karkat's symbol on his shirt? (Usually same as the blood color with one exception...)
  9. Who does Karkat want as a matesprite?
  10. What is Karkat's usual personality?
  11. What is Karkat's Pesterrchum/Trollian username?
  12. Is Karkat your favorite?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Karkat Vantas? (KV69)