How Much Do You Know About Falconry?

Falconry. How much do you know about it? It is a huge commitment. Getting a bird is hard, takes a lot of patience, and is expensive. But ask any falconer, and they will all say, "it's worth it"

Because if it wasn't worth it, falconry would not exist because nobody would practice it. Stating the obvious, that's what I'm here for. Anyway, good luck with the quiz.

Created by: Sabahab4568
  1. What is falconry?
  2. How old is falconry?
  3. Which one of these places is it illegal to practice falconry?
  4. Where did falconry originate?
  5. Which is the most prized, and the most expensive bird, that even rich medieval nobles could barely afford?
  6. Which is a beginner's bird?
  7. Which is an expert's bird?
  8. What are the classes of American falconry? (going from lowest to highest)
  9. What Is the maximum number of birds that even the best falconers can own at one time?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Falconry?