How much do you know about Cheetahs?

There are many people that know about cheetahs and others that just don't get it. Try this quiz twice, the first time its a quiz to see what you know, the second time hit the books and learn then try to get a hundred.

Are you a genius? Yes? No? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you can only wonder. Soon you will find out.

Created by: Tierra
  1. How fast do cheetahs run
  2. What does cheetah fur look like
  3. What is the tear line for on a cheetah
  4. What to cheetahs like to hunt for prey
  5. Why is it hard for cheetahs to hunt zebras
  6. What animal tries to take cheetah cubs
  7. What sound do cheetahs make
  8. Do cheetahs live solitaire
  9. Are cheetahs endangered
  10. Where do cheetahs live

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Cheetahs?