How much are you like the average teenage girl?

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What to know how much of a teenage girl you are? yes? Well then, take this quiz. Take this quiz if you are bored, or if you don't want to take this quiz take it anyway!:)

This quiz will show you how much or a teenage girl you are. Anyone is allowed to take it. Girl, Guy, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, old, young, it doesn't matter!:)

Created by: pieiscool
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When it's Summer, does your hair ever get lighter?
  2. Are you dramatic? (be honest please, no one can see your answers, but you)
  3. Is your room dirty?
  4. Do your friends make it obvious that you like your crush?
  5. Do you ever start or end your sentences with "so.....umm....yeah...."?
  6. Do you take math questions ltierally? Ex: Jordan has 50 cupcakes and eats 40. What does Jordan have? Answer: Diabetes. Jordan has diabetes.
  7. Is your crush your friend?
  8. Do you ever give your friend "the look" when someone attractive walks in the door?
  9. Do you ever get excited when you see your food coming when you are at a resteraunt?
  10. Whenever the teacher looks at you, do you make a face that should make it look like you are thinking really hard?
  11. Do you know what I based these questions on?

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Quiz topic: How much am I like the average teenage girl?