How much are you like my bunny?

My bunny is a black bunny named Beans! He's one of a kind. Let's see how much you're like him. He's cute but... not the best bunny. He's a house rabbit but is afraid of the hardwood floors.

You might be like him you might not be, you can see with this awesome quiz! You'd really have to know him to understand this quiz though. Hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: AnimalAveril
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were a rabbit and you saw a baby in the house (you haven't seen him/her yet) what would be your reaction?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. You're a bunny. Your owner tries to pick you up. What do you do?
  4. How would you react to the outdoors as a house rabbit?
  5. Are you use to a TV blasting 24/7?
  6. Are you lazy?
  7. Carrots?
  8. Stranger in the room!
  9. Are you a good bunny or bad bunny?
  10. Do you chew on wires (if you were a bunny)?
  11. There's a new huge couch! You can't go to your "hiding" place! There's a TV on the floor made your new "hiding" place. Then your owner gets a new Tv and you can't have THAT "hiding" place!!! How do you punish your owners?

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Quiz topic: How much am I like my bunny?