How Much Are You Like Me?

Everyone always wonders how much they could be alike. You even wonder if you could have a twin. You wonder : HI? Are we alike? Would we be good friends?

Well you can do dat with me!!! I'm not a famous quiz maker, but check out WOuld You Survive A Werewolf Attack? Or battle. Either way. But, here's my most recent quiz, How Much Are You Like Me?

Created by: DragonWolf123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old is your Mom?
  2. Do you like your parents?
  3. What's your favorite animal?
  4. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  5. Do you like hunting?
  6. Are you a loner?
  7. Where are you most of the day?
  8. Night or Day?
  9. Wut your greatest fear?
  10. What's your favorite Subject in school?
  11. Which site do you like better?
  12. You're hungry. You go to the fridge, what do you get?
  13. Do you like Desserts?
  14. Is junkfood & desserts the same thing to you?
  15. What's your second favorite subject?
  16. Do you like taking Quizes on GoToQuiz?
  17. Do you easily get bored?
  18. Do you want this test to be over
  19. Do you have any secrets that not ONE person has heard about?
  20. What's your favorite kind of quiz?
  21. The next question is the last question. Happy?
  22. What you favorite holiday?

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Quiz topic: How Much am I Like Me?