How much ae you like my crush?

There are many people in this world who are eligable for me. I want to know HOW many people that is. If you could take thiss quiz then that would be awesome

Are you compatiable for me? Take this quiz to find out. If you score badly then that is NOT my fualt. It is your fualt for being a different person than the type of person I like.

Created by: Amberpelt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Girl or boy? (I know you already answered this question but I need to know.)
  2. Age
  3. To the actual questions now. What is you hair color?
  4. Do you have glasses?
  5. Are you funny?
  6. Are you single?
  7. Can you speak a different language?
  8. Do you listen to the teacher?
  9. How much do you read?
  10. If you do read, what do you read?
  11. Pick one personality. TELL THE TRUTH!!!
  12. Do you love music?
  13. What are you going to do when you're done with this quiz?
  14. Bye!

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