How MEXICAN are you??

Mexicans were made to do, what they do. So be happy and don't be angry just because we can do these things and you can't. That is pretty much what this quiz covers, what mexicans do, and what goes on in there lives. Even though i made this quiz i think that most of it is true.

If you dont like this quiz its not mine or anybodys fault that you took it. I think that if you got a bad score and your mad at it then you probably wanted to prove to someone that you are mexican. Well Good LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!!!

Created by: Gabe
  1. When you act up in a fitting room what does your mom do?
  2. When is your drinking limit.
  3. When you ask for ice cream what happens?
  4. when your hurting and you cant get up what does your brother do to you
  5. When you tell your mom that she used to hit you alot what does she do.
  6. When you buys something that you dont have enough money for what do you do?
  7. How much do you like alchohal?
  8. When you see something bad about to happen what do you do?
  9. Do you speak spanish or some atleast to start a conversation and im not talking about HOLA COMO ESTAS imean a good sentence... dont pick the obvious one
  10. Final: Yo puedo correr, caminar y arrastrarme. Tu puedes verme yo no estoy vivo. Salgo en el dia pero desaparesco en la noche. que soy yo?

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Quiz topic: How MEXICAN am I??