How Lucky Are You?

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Do a lot of bad things happen to you? Do you ever feel like all the bad things happen to you? Or is it the opposite? Well in this quiz you will find out how lucky you are.

Do you ever feel like everything bad happens to you? Or do you feel like the luckiest person in the world? Or are you just another average person? Well find out in this quiz.

Created by: CodySimpsonLuv

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever found a dollar on the street?
  2. Have you ever won the lottery?
  3. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?
  4. Have you ever broken a mirror?
  5. Have you ever seen a black cat crossing your path?
  6. Have you ever been run over by a car?
  7. Have you ever been beat up in a dark alley?
  8. Have you ever been attacked by a vicious rabbit?
  9. Have you ever offered a squirrel a cookie but when you did it bit your hand and took your cookie?
  10. Have you ever been attacked by a hungry pack of wolves?
  11. Have you ever taken a "How Lucky Are You?" quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Lucky am I?