How Likely Are You To Become An Actress/Actor?

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There are lots of quizzes telling you how likely you are to become and actor or an actress, so if you chose this one, I'm surprised! Please finish this quiz and look at my other quizzes if you like!

If you get a low score, please do not be upset. Ask your friends and family to take this as well if you would like to! I really hope this quiz (or any of my other quizzes) becomes popular...

Created by: Olive_Girl
  1. First up, would you even like to be an actor/actress?
  2. How confident are you with speaking in front of lots of people?
  3. How long have you wanted to be an actress/actor?
  4. Have you EVER had the main part in any performance?
  5. Would you be a proper actor/actress or voice?
  6. Do your friends/family say you're good at acting?
  7. Would you kiss someone for a movie? (most actors and actresses have to)
  8. How old are you?
  9. Would you go to university to become one?
  10. Do you think you COULD get a career in acting?

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Quiz topic: How Likely am I To Become An Actress/Actor?
