How Left-Wing are you? (Authoritarian)

Hi! Try this quiz to see how left-wing you are. This is the authoritarian version so ideologies such as anarchism aren't relevant to this quiz. Nevertheless, come and see where you stand on the spectrum!

Please share this with your friends and feel free to rate. Also leave a comment and tell me how i should improve. Thanks and enjoy! From Lemonsuckerman

Created by: Lemon
  1. If a state owned market isn't as efficient as a privately own market, it is still necessary to keep the state owned market in order to redistribute wealth and pursue left-wing principles.
  2. My ideology can only be embedded in society by violent revolution.
  3. Anyone in the USA has the ability to be financially successful and it is their fault if they are struggling.
  4. At their core, capitalists are selfish human beings.
  5. My ideology can be pursued in a democratic form of government.
  6. Profit and ethics are opposing motives.
  7. In a capitalist society, there is democracy in the workplace.
  8. Historic events have shown me that the best way to make people support my ideology is through propaganda and at times brute force.
  9. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
  10. There is no need for money in my society as goods are redistributed to everyone according to their needs in return for them helping society according to their ability.

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Quiz topic: How Left-Wing am I? (Authoritarian)
