How Italian Are You?

Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian.

Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian. Are you a true Italian? Just because you eat at the Olive Garden just means you think you're Italian.

Created by: Lisa of this site
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Quiz topic: How Italian am I?