How innapropriate are you?

As sad as it is, Today's society is extremely innapropriate. And each and every person on Earth adds to the entangled mess of Potty-life. The question is, how much are you contributing to this entangled web of unexceptableness?

Take this quiz to find out how innapropriate you really are. Are you a potty mouth, a streaker, the president, or are you a lesser case of innappropriativity such as Barney or Grandma?

Created by: Caleb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're about to take a crap. You think:
  2. You see a hot chick/hunk. You
  3. You are invited to a pool party. You:
  4. Bananna. You:
  5. Your mom tells you that she wants you to "think about it long and hard." You:
  6. Jerry and Sally cocked some cookies on Tusday. Choose the answer that contains the error from the sentence above.
  7. Your friend says that they know an oriental move. You:
  8. 1+1=
  9. Have you had or are planning on having sex before marriage?
  10. Ever did drugs?
  11. Which of the following movies do you like the most?

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Quiz topic: How innapropriate am I?