How Impulsive Are You?

This quiz will look into an individuals level of impulsiveness. Questions consists of organization and planning as well as physical activity related to impulsiveness.

This is purely out of fun and in no way reflects a true and completely accurate measurement of impulsiveness but if you are curious then come give it a try!

Created by: mkd10537
  1. I like to plan things ahead of time
  2. I think of all possible outcomes before making a decision.
  3. I do not like sports that involve quick movements.
  4. I break or spill things because of carelessness, not paying attention or thinking of something else.
  5. I tend to finish things that I start.
  6. At times my heart races rapidly.
  7. I would not like to go bungee jumping
  8. I would enjoy the sensation of skiing very fast down a high mountain slope.
  9. I find it difficult to stay focused on what's happening in the present.
  10. When I am excited I become clumsy.
  11. I forget a person's name almost as soon as I've been told it for the first time.
  12. I can sit through a movie without fidgeting.
  13. I deal with my problems through sense and reasoning.
  14. I get easily distracted.
  15. I rush through activities without being really attentive to them.
  16. When I am angry I do not get physical.
  17. It is hard for me to control my body.
  18. I make sure to put everything back in it's original place after I use it.
  19. I touch everything I see.
  20. I can finish tasks quickly and effectively.
  21. I get into things that I later wish that I can get out of.
  22. I do jobs or tasks automatically, without being aware of what I;m doing.
  23. I generally like to see things through to the end.
  24. I like sports and games in which you have to choose your next move very quickly.
  25. I tend to give up easily.
  26. I generally seek new and exciting experiences and sensations.
  27. Once I get going on something I hate to stop.
  28. I concentrate easily.
  29. I would enjoy cliff jumping.
  30. I find myself doing things without paying attention.
  31. I am able to pace myself so as to get things done on time.
  32. I quite enjoy taking risks.
  33. I am a person who always gets the job done.
  34. I welcome new and exciting experiences and sensations even if they are a little frightening.
  35. Sometimes there are so many little things to be done that I just ignore them all.
  36. I would enjoy fast driving.

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Quiz topic: How Impulsive am I?