How horse crazy are you

There are many people who think they are horse crazy. But, not all of them are. Maybe you are one of those people who just aren't sure. If you are maybe you should take this quiz.

The question is now are YOU horse crazy. Are you wanting to find out now the answer to that question. If you are this quiz will decide that exact question's answer.

Created by: Emma
  1. If there was a Saturday where you could do anything you want what would you do
  2. You are at the store and you could get any of the following. What would you choose?
  3. You are at the movies and deciding what to watch. Which movie would you choose?
  4. Would you rather...
  5. True or False- You would rather clean your room than muck a stall.
  6. Would you rather...
  7. Your most likely to be seen wearing a...
  8. Posters in your room may include...
  9. Your shelves are full of...
  10. If you are at a shoe store you would love to look at...

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Quiz topic: How horse crazy am I