How Greatful are you this Christmas!

How Grateful are you. Do you love Christmas because of Jesus or is it the presents. Find out in this quiz. If you don't really like this quiz it's okay.

How Grateful are you. Do you love Christmas because of Jesus or is it the presents. Find out in this quiz. If you don't really like this quiz it's okay. (Always Be Grateful.)

Created by: Christmas

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  1. IF you wanted something that you thought was cool and your parent got you a book would you?
  2. If you didn't get to buy the toy you wanted at the store and your parents say no (and you don't even know they already ordered it for Christmas) would you? (even if your parents didn't get it for you
  3. If there was a mix up in the delivery and someone else got your toy would you?
  4. If your dad said you couldn't open your gifts until you brushed your teeth would you?
  5. If you had no Christmas tree would you?
  6. If you had to work on Christmas would you?
  7. If you had a hundred cookies would you?
  8. If you had nothing in your stocking would you?
  9. Who do you Celebrate on Christmas?
  10. Who do you Celebrate on Christmas?
  11. (Final Question) Are you Grateful for this day?

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Quiz topic: How Greatful am I this Christmas!