How good of a student are you?

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This is a quiz to test if your a good student. Remember, this was made by at kid. This is probably wrong. Dont be sad if you get a low answer. Its my first quiz.

This is a quiz to test if your a good student. Remember, this was made by at kid. This is probably wrong. Dont be sad if you get a low answer. Its my first quiz. Lol im too lazy to think of something else to write.

Created by: Remy
  1. What are you in?
  2. You arrive home at 6 PM. You have homework that will take 1 hour, and your friend is texting you asking if you can go on your console. What would you do?
  3. What do you describe yourself as?
  4. What do you think of school as?
  5. What do you do in class?
  6. I can’t think if much more questions, so this is a wasting question ok?
  7. Do you look forward to september in summer break?
  8. Do you try to sit in the front row?
  9. If you have homework for monday and its friday,when do you do it?
  10. Do you do extra homework?

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Quiz topic: How good of a student am I?

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