How good are you at pillow fighting?

There are many people who experienced pillow fighting, but only a few are really great at this! Pillow fighting is an epic thing to do during sleepovers, parties and the like! What are the chances that's you'll win and how severe your injury will be!

Are you are a really skilled pillow fighter? Are you invincible in pillow fighting? Are you just a noob in this? Until now you can only wonder. In just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Chris
  1. What will be the damage of the pillow and the health of the people.
  2. What will be your base?
  3. Add attacks.
  4. Helmet?
  5. Armour?
  6. Weapons?
  7. Shield?
  8. How good are you at defending?
  9. How good are you at attacking?
  10. How much do you know how to use weapons?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at pillow fighting?